Wednesday 5 February 2014

Showcase: Kroq-Gar

I painted this in the middle of 2013 just after the images of the new lizardmen were released, because I did not like the look of the new Kroq-Gar and Carnosaur. I am really happy with how the model turned out. I decided that I would try to make a little more of a 'scenic' base by using some cork and a piece from the Death World basing kit. I used quite a lot of liquid green stuff beneath his feet so that his feet would sit nicely on the cork and the base. The colour for the skin was quite easy, I just base coated it with Zandri Dust, washed it with the old Ogryn Flesh Wash, repainted every where except for the deepest recesses with Zandri Dust and then finally I mixed an a little bit of Bleached Bone to the Zandri Dust for the first highlight and then increased the amount of bleached bone for each highlight until it was almost pure bleached bone. Please tell me what you think in the comments.

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