Wednesday 12 April 2017

A Return to the Blog!! + Saurus Oldblood Showcase

I have recently decided that I will revisit this blog after a few years of ignoring it. The first thing that I am going to do is start off by showcasing all of the miniatures that I have finished since the middle of 2014 as well as showing works in progress of what I am currently working on. 

Sunday 11 May 2014

Work in Progress: Saurus Oldblood

This is just a few pictures of the Oldblood I have been working on recentyle. I think that he has turned out well so far and I really like him. All I need to do is the base and some touch ups. I have also recently made some progress of Grimm Burloksson and hope to do a showcase soon. I am also currently working on a painting guide for a Terradon. There will be more pictures of the Oldblood when he is finished.

Monday 10 March 2014

Work in Progress: Lizardmen Terradon Rider

I have been able to make some progress on my Terradon riders recently. The Terradon itself is nearly finished I just have to do some of the details and the base. I am happy with how the rider has turned out so far and I particularly like how the flame. There is one thing that I am worried bout and that is if the model will end up looking too colourful with the green Terradon, blue skink, purple/pink frill and the yellow/orange/red flame. I would like to know if you think that he is a little bit too colourful or you think that he will be ok


Sunday 2 March 2014

Work In Progress: Grimm Burlocksson


This is just a small update on how my Grimm Burlocksson model is going. I am happy with how has turned out so far. I am happy with how his beard has turned out, I painted the beard the same as from the 'Paint Splatter' from the very first White Dwarf Weekly but with a few tweaks. I am also happy with how his face has turned out simply because it is such a small space. I recommend painting this model without his back piece on because it makes getting to some parts a lot easier. I hope to be able to finish him off in the next couple of days so I can move onto his back piece. 

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Showcase: Kroq-Gar

I painted this in the middle of 2013 just after the images of the new lizardmen were released, because I did not like the look of the new Kroq-Gar and Carnosaur. I am really happy with how the model turned out. I decided that I would try to make a little more of a 'scenic' base by using some cork and a piece from the Death World basing kit. I used quite a lot of liquid green stuff beneath his feet so that his feet would sit nicely on the cork and the base. The colour for the skin was quite easy, I just base coated it with Zandri Dust, washed it with the old Ogryn Flesh Wash, repainted every where except for the deepest recesses with Zandri Dust and then finally I mixed an a little bit of Bleached Bone to the Zandri Dust for the first highlight and then increased the amount of bleached bone for each highlight until it was almost pure bleached bone. Please tell me what you think in the comments.

Monday 7 October 2013

Work In Progress: Lizardmen Skink

Recently I decided to buy myself a pack of skinks so I can work out how to paint them before I buy some of the new models released recently. I thought that I should stick with the traditional blue colour and add some spot colours in other parts of the model like the frill. I painted this the same as my saurus warriors but I wanted to try some skinks before I bought some of the new models. I am happy with how he has turned out so far. Please tell me what you think of him.

Monday 20 May 2013

Showcase: Empire Greatsword

I am currently collecting an Empire army and this is the most recent addition to my army. I really like the colour scheme and they look great when they are all standing next to each other. I have not been making many post recently because there are not that many people who are looking at my posts and have still had no comments so if please comment on this and I will be happy to try and make a tutorial on how to paint this figure if people ask in the comments. Please also tell me what you think of the quality of the photo.